HCL Sametime 11 – WebClient stuck on Loading

If you experience the issue with HCL Sametime 11 Proxy, where the WebClient just loads endlesly after a user logs in, and the following error is present in “catalina.out” log file (of the Sametime Proxy component):

CLFRX0049E: Failed to query the user info: <username>, reason 80000005

Check the “UserInfoConfig.xml” file, on the Sametime Community Server, for Syntax Errors. In my case the “Username” variable, inside the “<storageDetails>” tag, needed to be moved in front of the “Password” variable (this formatting is default in Sametime 11 FP1 version). Afterwards the “<storageDetails>” tag should reassemble something like the following:

<StorageDetails BaseDN=”DC=test,DC=com” HostName=”dc.test.com” UserName=”CN=SVC_Test,OU=Service Accounts,OU=test,DC=test,DC=com” Password=”xxxxxxx” Port=”389″ Scope=”2″ SearchFilter=”(&amp;(objectclass=user)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(|(pager=%s)(mail=%s*)(samAccountName=%s*)(sn=%s*)(displayName=%s*)(distinguishedName=%s)(objectguid=%s)))” SslEnabled=”false” SslPort=”636″ /> 

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