Kubernetes – Host Entries

As Kubernetes pods do not make use of the Kubernetes nodes/hosts “host” file (/etc/hosts), which can be a challenge or a blessing, do not despair if you find yourself in an environment in which some DNS entries are missing. There is an easy workaround to “get you going”.

Although I have to stress out, that this is not a long-term solution, and you should use DNS as opposed to the following solution.

If you are using “coreDNS” on Kubernetes, edit the “configmap” of the service, by issuing the following command:

kubectl edit cm -n kube-system coredns

After that, just add the section which is marked red in the following screenshot:

And edit it to suit your needs.

Note: “fallthrough” parameter is important as it will make sure that the requests which can’t be handled by hosts configuration in the “coreDNS” pods, will be sent to the configured DNS servers.

After you are happy with the configuration, just recreate the “coreDNS” pods, by running the following command:

kubectl -n kube-system delete pods -l k8s-app=kube-dns

Note: this will cause a brief interruption of the name resolution service as the pods are being recreated.

You can test the DNS inside the Kubernetes network by creating a pod for this purpose that has all the “networking” tools you need, I decided to run with “infoblox/dnstools”.

kubectl run -it –rm –restart=Never –image=infoblox/dnstools:latest dnstools

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