Domino, Designer and Notes v12 Roadmap

During the first day of the virtual HCL Factory Tour we were able to see the roadmap for Domino, Designer and Notes v12. HCL continues to innovate and sets the bar high in regard to product quality. The new release of Domino, version 12, is coming in Q2 of 2021.

HCL Domino Roadmap

HCL Domino v12 release is going to focus on the following three key points.

Basically it focuses on Volt, new possibilities in regard to infrastructure and better overall experience by delivering a new web based client. Rather than that, at a glance the v12 will deliver the following new features:

HCL Domino v12 Features

The version 12 of Domino will be supported on more Linux platforms than the previous release.

New Linux Platforms in HCL Domino v12

AstraLinux support seems to be very important on the Russian market. As mentioned earlier in the course of the HCL Digital Week, the backup process will be redesigned so it could be implemented easily by any third party solution. All major cloud vendors will also be supported.

New backup and cloud possibilities

From the security aspect, the usage of Let’s Encrypt certificates as well as 2FA will be possible out of the box.

With Domino v12, we will get a new client. I am especially excited about that. This may solve many issues that we currently have in terms of support with Windows Terminal clients for example.

HCL Domino v12 will also deliver some new capabilities for HCL Verse on-Premises, currently the focus lies on the following features.

HCL Verse on-Premises – Top priorities

After the delivery of HCL Nomad web client, HCL aims to deliver an all integrated user experience for the desktop clients. I can’t wait to get this, the users would benefit greatly from a UI which connects the HCL collaboration products.

Integrated user experience

HCL Notes client will also get updated and get some long awaited features. The UI (including workspace) will be improved to increase efficiency. Alternate “From” will be introduced, so we can switch on the fly from which mail account an e-mail should be sent or which signature should be used. The Performance of the client will be improved as well. A very welcome addition will also be the inclusion of Language packs as part of the basic installation so there will be no need to install them separately. The Notes Client will also get a new branding and very own icon! 🙂

As expected, the new release of the Notes Designer will focus on mobile devices.

HCL Notes Designer v12

HCL continues to rapidly improve and develop the Domino platform by focusing on its strengths. I am sure that the HCL is going in the right direction!

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